Saturday, January 22, 2011

Start-Up Venues

What are the best venues to start out playing live in the Bethlehem area?

There's only one I've been to: Godfrey Daniel's. This coffeehouse-themed venue sits about a little less than a hundred people and makes for a good intimate set. It has won numerous open-mic awards, pertaining specifically to the sound quality. It would appear "The Dan" lends itself most to country music and bluegrass, but anyone can play there. Just sign up.

Then next door you have the indie-underground more hard rock "Fun House". While I haven't been there yet, I've heard the name of the venue suits itself.

Lastly, you have the Wildflower Cafe. This peace and love tea and coffeehouse belongs to the sixties, but contemporary music is always welcome.

I'd say these three venues are a good start for any up & coming musician. Guess I'll try them out soon enough.

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