Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Rehearsals

We've only been going at it three days. People are still getting the hang of their classes and sorting out last-minute schedule changes. Most students go home after there last class, do homework, have dinner, watch tv etc. You would think the same would apply to me, after all, I'm only taking 16 credits. But no, from 6 to 9 at night every week-day I'm in a little place called Zoellner rehearsing for "The Last Days of Judas Iscariot".

It's been fun so far and the cast is wonderful. We've got four and a half weeks to make it all come to life. This is play set in purgatory about the trial appeal of Judas Iscariot (played by me) of whether he belongs in hell or deserves to finally ascend to heaven. Probably the biggest challenge for me is going to be able to sit in a catatonic state for most of the show without cracking up or smirking at the jokes that so often appear.

Tomorrow we move to the Diamond Theatre and we open Feb. 18.

Trust me, Lehigh Valley, we've only just begun, but this is something you won't want  to miss.

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