Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Interview with The Kale

Spanish singer-songwriter and musician, The Kale, on learning instruments, breaking the language barrier and his upcoming album

1. When did you learn to play your first instrument? Describe your learning process with music.
There was a piano at home when I was born, a very cheap one that my father bought when he was young. I remember myself always playing the keys. I took lessons a short period of time but it was a straightjacket system so I quit going. Then I learned to play guitar on my own, then the bass and drums. I always try to play and create, not just practice.

2. How come english is your choice for lyrics?
It was a sum of circs. First of all I've always listened to music in english so it was natural to me. I also had not a very powerful voice so short words you usually find in english were more comfortable for me to sing. Finally it was the way the older people around me didn't know what I was saying…

3. If you could perform with any musician for one night, who would it be? Why?
If I could I would play with Sir Paul McCartney. He represents exactly what a great musician is to me. There's a personality underneath all and he has reached the higher peaks of musical creativity. I would not mind playing just the tambourine in a darkest corner of the stage…

4. What is your one regret in terms of music?
Overall I'm satisfied with my current situation, but there's a big difference between living for music, living of music and living with music. I wish I had started recording albums just five or six years earlier, when I was in my mid-20s. I consider it's not a matter of age but a matter of time and dedication. 

5. How is your upcoming album going to differ from your past recordings?
I tend to be a little bit raw so I tried and calmed myself down to make a more flat, elegant and cool album. At the end I think it is not… all that rawness is trying to get out all the time. A fascinating way to discover your own style is to put your trends on the ropes and let them strike back. So then my next album is going to be really crude…

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