Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Last Days of Judas Iscariot update

We've been rehearsing and working hard for the past three weeks. We now have less than two weeks until opening night, and even though there is still a lot of work to be done, the show is finally picking up its form. We've only had two full runs and while they've been reassuring in terms of showing the director and the cast members where we are, we haven't been able to have a complete run with the entire cast. There is always a sickness or an issue that prevents a cast member from showing up to the Friday runs.

Luckily, we have an amazing stage manager (Lucas Ingram) who has filled in some tough shoes by walking through the parts of the missing cast members, all while at the same time fulfilling his duties as stage manager and helping out the cast with lines.

At this moment, the stage is still being built. The basic ground work has already been set. The lower floor is neatly slanted, which gives a different perspective to the audience: It makes them feel like they're in the show. After all, they're supposed to be spectators in a court so this is a very neat way to incorporate them. The platforms where I'll basically be stationed in a catatonic stupor are expected to join the set by the end of next week. Then, we're off to tech rehearsals Sunday the 12, and then, it's opening night. Not a whole lot of time left to work, but we'll make it.

Almost everyone is pretty much off-book by now. The lawyers, who undoubtedly have the hardest work, are almost there, but at least they feel comfortable portraying their characters instead of thinking and worrying about their lines. As for me, playing a catatonic is not as easy as I'd imagined. I can pull it off fine until the second act. A leg will get numb every now and then or my nose or eye will start to itch. I've been trying to hold still as much as possible, but there are times when I just have to break character and pull myself together. Again, it might be easier to play the role once my lair is built with the appropriate padding and cushioning to allow me to be comfortable in the same position for two hours.

This coming week we'll be running the two acts separately and working problems. The lights will also go up this week. I'll keep you guys updated when we start tech rehearsals

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